Anthony Montalbano

Busy week, and Mothers Day

For the previous week there really isn’t anything crazy that went on. Had many quizzes/exams that week so I was in studying a lot. I also worked on a video for my Rachel, Angela, Nikki, Britney, Vanessa, and Alexis’ spring break in Daytona, for the most part I think it came out good. Umm Friday I went to Hollister with Roy, then we went met up with Jenny to visit Nicole at Bob Evan’s for dinner. Later that night I went to Brian’s for a lil Jacuzzi action. Saturday morn I had my windows retinted after the ticket and b/s and for the rest of the day nothin really, just here and there. Saturday night was a dud, everyone was round home doing nothing. At first I went out to eat for Shannon’s birthday then later to her house. Soon after I went to my cuz Nick’s house and we just walked around. It was beautiful outside. We went to 7-11 and I decided to buy a $1 scatch off lottery and won $30 bucks on it, hell yeah! As for today I went to Lonestar for mother’s day then to my grandma and grandpa Montalbano’s. And now again I’m here at school. I did finally get a new cell phone after forever years, which is all good. This weekend: our party at Apt 230!! Call if yur interested in coming! Ayite thats all to share for now. Out!

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