Anthony Montalbano

Grad Parties and trip coming up!

Let’s rewind a bit.

2 Weekends ago was a few graduation parties. Saturday was my cousin, Ashley’s and then on Sunday was my sister, Sienna’s. After my sister’s grad party Nat and I went to her uncle’s band party at River Bend. Good times.
Over the week nothing to amazing. Thursday night was really sweet. Natalie, Sarah, Mike, and I went to see Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Seether, and Evanescence. That was a sweet as concert!! I loved it! So bad ass. Breaking Benjamin rocks. Great night.

This past weekend, nothing too much. Saturday night Emily had a party at her house. It was fun. I spent 3 days melting ice to create an ice luge. I wanna put some pics up of it. It was so sweet. Tastes soo good and so cold once it hits your lips. Awesome. The party was a hit, had a great time. Sunday was a slow day, just kinda chilled after the night before. Later that night Nat, Rachel, Brad, Emily, Bates, and I went up to the drive-in to see Catwoman (sucked major donkey’s ass) and Anchorman (classic, a pure classic). Another fun weekend down.

Heh, yeah, I’m a lil boring, I don’t feel like typing that much, but I wanted to update, must be weird or sumptin.

The much antcipated Myrtle Beach trip is almost here!!! 2 more days until we leave. I don’t know if I could wait much longer. Only one more day of work until my dreams are fulfilled!!! It’s gonna be the greatest trip evar!! PJ and I are gonna do some shopping and shit to get ready for the trip during the day on Thursday then later that night we will be off on the road, Myrtle Beach or bust. I’m getting really anxious. Just….a….lil….bit….longer.

Later bitches. Life is good.

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