Anthony Montalbano

It’s all catching up on me

Well it’s been awhile since the last time I wrote, but I’m back. First off the scary dude in the grey van has vanished, haven’t seem him since last Sunday nite. The rest of that week was pretty mundane. Nothing to exciting happened. Friday nite Sarah and I went with my cousins Nick and his girlfriend Amanda, and Matt and his girlfriend Kristy to the ice rink. Nick and I were trying to do the hockey stop when he went completely airborn and landed on his head. It was crazy. He was fine after though. After skating we went to the movies to see 40 day and 40 nights. Pretty good movie, I liked it much. Saturday I was suppose to work, but nothing to do. So I spend the morning setting my dad’s network up with the rest of us. It’s cool now. Sunday wasnt much of a day Sarah and I went to church then went over my grandparents house for dinner. It was really good. We ate soo much food. Monday was a really hectic day at work. I had so much to do. Had this big printer dilemma that to this day has yet to be resolved completely. Anyways yesterday Sarah came down with something and is not really sick. 🙁 So I didn’t go over her house that nite. Instead I decided to stay home and do a thorough clean of my room. BIG DIFFERENCE. I literally went through everything. It looks much better now. Also earlier that day I had talked to Chris Wolner one of my really good friends from high school and was I in shock. I guess his parents got divorced over the summer and him and his sister moved into a trailer home. He transferred from Western to Oakland and is working in the day and schooling in the nite. Chris told me that he’s really sick of Michigan and this summer he’s planning on moving out to Tennessee to start a life of his own. It’s amazing how much things change once you get outta high school. It’s all starting to hit me now. Crazy crazy. And then I found out last nite that my best friend and his girlfriend Karrie broke up after a 2 year relationship. Its unbelievable. I thought they’d be together forever. Well technically they are just taking a break from each other, in hopes that they get back together, but still I can’t believe it. Over the past few weeks, two of my friends broke up with their girlfriends after long relationships and I found out that one of my best friends from high school is moving away to Tennesee. Wow. It’s definetly been a different week. Well I guess I’m just going to continue to follow the flow and hope that everything works its knots out. Anyways I’m back off to work. Its strange how much changes after high school, I kinda miss it already. Wow. Damn Dude I’m getting old, in less than a month I’ll 19. Damn.

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