Anthony Montalbano

Sweethearts and Super Bowl weekend

This weekend was a jam packed one. Friday nite Sarah and I ran around getting ready for Sweethearts the next day. I took her to the mall to get her nails done b/c she didnt have an appointment and wasn’t goin to be able to get them done anytime sooner. Saturday morn I slept in til bout 11 and then start cleanin up my house for everyone to come over later. I arrived at Sarah’s around 4. We took some pictures at her house then took the majority of the pics at Karrie’s house. After pics we ate at Mezzaluna(previously Tirami Su). The food was good. Soon after was the dance. I’m not really good at dancing so I didn’t do much. I tried for Sarah, but I felt like I was making an ass out of myself. Oh well thats over now. After we came back to my house, not for very long though. The girls at to leave at 12:30 so it wasn’t all that enjoyable. We were told they could stay later, but had some change of plans. Wasn’t very happy with it, but nothing I could do. Anyways after I drove Sarah home, PJ, Brian, and I just chilled for a while. Kinda borin. Sunday was the Super Bowl. Another cool day. I had a few people over my house to watch the game. It was quite the fun. Great great game though. The final ended up being 20-17 Patriots, by a game winning, timeless clock scoring, tie breaking field goal. Whatta way to end it!! Definitely awesome. Go Patriots!! Yesterday was back at work. The day went by pretty fast though. Which was a good thing. I lost my damn keys and could find them all day until someone precious told me that I should call Rachel and sure enough she had them. It was such a relief. Anyways today I’m not doing much just little work here and there. Trying to resolve some issues at work. Ahhh….ohhhh!! I almost forgot. I have been talking with the dude who setup this dealerships website and he seemed interested in my computer artwork. I’m to e-mail him a minature portfolio of some of the things I have. I’m quite interested in this too. I hope everything is able to come through with this. Sounds like a cool thing to do. His website is Tsunami PC-Productions. Well have to get some shit done so stay in tuned.

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