Anthony Montalbano

The Zoo

This weekend was calm. Not much really happened, but still enjoyable. Thursday night Sarah and I went to the mall to get a tie that matched her dress. That was a total bitch. I found two awesome ties, but both would rape me in the pocket. So I ended up finding one that matches well for $20 bucks. Later that nite we just chilled. Great Nite! Friday Sarah and I went to Mongolian BBQ. That was a pretty cool place. You make your own dish and they stir fry it for you. Saturday morn, I worked at the Arbors from 8-12. We didn’t do much, just cleaned out like 6-10 garages. I wish I could still work there like I use to. Oh well, what you going to do. Saturday nite Sarah and I rented a Perfect Murder. It was a good movie. Her mom recommended it to us. Sunday afternoon we went to the Zoo, yeah the Zoo. It took awhile to realize that we were going to the zoo. It was fun though, a very nice day to go to the zoo. Sunday evening we chilled at Sarah’s, made some brownies and watched You’ve Got Mail. I really liked that movie. This weekend was cool. Oh yeah and the Rams are going to play the Patriots are in the Super Bowl. Should be an interesting game. I really don’t care who wins but if I had to choose I’d pick the underdogs, the Patriots. We’ll see how it goes. Other than that everything else is going well. Sweethearts is in a week. That should be interesting, with the plans on where were going and everything. Its completely impossible to make everyone happy with the arrangements. Well today’s been kinda shitty. I hate mondays. Hopefully everything gets better once I get home. Anyways I’m out.

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