This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:
The following recordings are for April 2017:
- Core Value: I can do it.
- You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.
- The biggest moments in your life are moments of inspiration or desperation.
- Courage is more important than confidence.
- Number one reason employers don’t share company vision is because they don’t know what it is.
- People need to hear the vision seven times before they hear it the first time.
- Culture is created through consistencies.
- Surround yourself with good people.
- Monitor for the dashboard.
- You can have one name in two seats, but not two names in one seat.
- Be the hero of your own story, not the victim.
- Competition is the anti-capitalist.
- What gets measured gets things done.
- Problems are like mushrooms, when it’s dark and rainy they multiply, under bright light, they diminish.
- Lack of decision or procrastination is some of the major causes of failure.
- It’s less important what you decide, than it is that you decide, so decide.
- Significance is more important than celebrity.
- The world is full of people that love life enough to wake up today.