Damn the busyness, I’m still alive

So I really haven’t fully update my journal in hells of a long time. So here I go in brief over the past month.

The weekend of my birthday, April 4th, that Saturday nite we planned a big surprise birthday party for my aunt Karen. It was so awesome. We really got her!! See this is how it went….since I had helped her get discounts on a brand new Jeep, she actually wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday. See my mom told her to take me out that night b/c it’s a big surprise birthday party for me. So actually the whole time my aunt thinks that its for me. So basically she’s setting herself up for her own surprise birthday party. Oh, and since her birthday is in february she would have no clue. So we goto the restuarant, and the whole time she was trying to delay for me, even though she was doing it herself. So on our drive home she made the call that we’re on the way, to surprise me…haha. So we get into my house, then she wants me to show her the computer server I built in the basement (what my mom told her to do to get me in the basement) So we get in the basement and SURPRISE!! its for you!! She couldn’t believe it at first until she noticed that it was all of her friends!! Oh man, best surprise party evar! Then Sunday Natalie helped me move back up to school, ugh.

April 4th, monday, was my old aging 22nd birthday. Didn’t do much b/c I had a full day of class. So classes that week weren’t bad for the first week. The first weekend back we went to the IMAX at Henry Ford with my cousin Nick (which today happens to be his 22nd birthday, happy bday man) and his g/f Jenny to see Robots. Then a week there after we went to Canada for Natalie’s cousin’s birthday. It was pretty sweet. Again, the weekend after that was another trip to Canada, this time for Emily’s birthday. Then this past weekend was my grandma’s 70th birthday party. Sunday I built a computer for Anthony Danko. It’s kick ass and for $1400, I don’t think I coulda done better. Sweetness!! So for the future in time?

Memorial weekend, Kettering is supporting a white water rafting trip in West Virginia. All of my roommates and many more are all going. It’s gonna be sweet! Then later this summer in August we’re going to Mackinac Island. After working the numbers and stuff I got a sweet deal. For six people, a 2 room suite hotel for 3 nights stay, a van rental (with gas), a train ride and cruise ride to the Taquemenon Falls, and then a ferry ride to Mackinac Island for the day. All that for only $175 a person, can’t really beat that eh?! Kickass!

Along with those trips coming up, I also have 2 weddings to look forward to. Natalie’s mom is getting married on June 24th and then my cousin JoAnn on June 30th, in which I’m standing up in. Natalie and I got a hotel room for after her ma’s wedding at the new Concorde Inn in Clinton Twp. Also 4th of July is gonna be hotness up at Caseville/Port Austin.

So yeah, with all that said and with all of the crazy stuff that’s been going on at school, I haven’t had time to do shit. From writing my own shell’s in C to developing marketing strategy for business globalization to engineering software to simulate packaging distribution and tracking, and all of the lil physics h/w and finacial and law h/w in between, oh and IM volleyball and softball, damnness. But for the most part thats a pretty good recap of where i’ve been.

Oh BTW a few news caps that I’d like to share about music. Greeley Estates has a new DVD coming out this Saturday, in which I’ve already pre-ordered. Emery’s 2nd CD, The Question, is released on August 2nd (can’t wait for that!) I Am Ghost is an amazing fucking band and everyone should goto www.purevolume.com/iamghost and download their full EP and burn it to CD and listen to it HXC! This summer’s Warped Tour is gonna be so awesome, so many bands that are gonna be there, I may have back stage passes for it too. Looking forward to that. Umm, yeah, music is awesome, and with the release of like over a dozen other albums that are coming out within the next few months, its kick ass.

Ayite then, I have class in about 15mins, so I best be getting gone. I’ll be back, hopefully sooner than later, with more updates.


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