Montalbano Christmas party and school winding down

My last update was the intro to my new website. From the comments and the views people have left me, everyone really likes it, I’m quite glad, because I spent lots of time and I wanted to make it look good. I haven’t made too many changes to it lately tho. I’m working on a guestbook for it so that people can leave comments or suggestions on the site itself. I’m still learning the script on that. Also downloads will soon be available.

Other than the site I’ve been quite busy working on projects with school. It’s been quite hectic. I’ve been working on project and project, paper after paper, studing for many exams and ahh this current week is going to be the worst! Next week won’t be that bad considering I only have 2 exams! Oh I dunno if I mentioned it but I had written a mini-thesis for my class and well I spent many hours on it, ended up being 27 pages long. Well my dumbass prof is making me redo it b/c of missing criteria. Fuck that I had talked to her about this paper before I wrote it and I got the OK, then she pulls this shit out of her ass! Damn it! Anyways I’ll be spending the next 2 days working my ass off like KERAZIE on it! School is school eh?! Fuck man, less than 2 weeks left, grr I cant wait!

Over the past weekend didn’t do much. Friday evening I had a meeting and I’m starting to establish my own life insurance, God for bid. Later, later that night I ended up at Natalie’s, stayed the night there, then in the morn I drove her around cuz her car was in the shop. After I spent the rest of the evening with my cousins, Nick and Matt, shopping and shit. Doing whatever comes up. As for Sunday it was the annual Montalbano Christmas party, Natalie came along with me 🙂 As always its much fun. The family loves Natalie, she fits in so well, I’m really happy!! I’ll update soon enough with pictures (I left them at home). It was definitely a good weekend. Now back at school its been nuts, as the semester winds down. Last nite was “mystery mondays”. Last monday we started a new tradition at our apartment. Every monday is mystery mondays where our roommate Shawn buys a random fifth of alcohol then mixes drinks for us and ya gotta guess what he got. It was an interesting night, even though I spent half of it in my room writing 2 papers.

Oh my new house is coming along quite well. I haven’t updated with any pictures of it so click here to see a few pictures of our new house. I can’t wait til its done, it’s gonna be sweet! Anyways I got shit loads of homework I gotta do this week as the term winds down. Oh, I got a few new web projects that just recently came up. Woo hoo I need the money. One of them is urgent so it’ll be done before Christmas. I’ll put the link up when I get the site.

Well not too much has been new. All is well, a lil stressed with school, but its getting near the end and Christmas is much closer than you think! Can’t wait for the holidays, it’s gonna be the best. Back to the homework, what I wish I didn’t have to do 🙁 Later……


decapitated_ says:

Man, you’re one lucky guy, that house, beautiful.

j__lynn says:

party friday maybe..
wanna come?!

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