This past Saturday night was my Halloween Barnyard Extravaganza. I think, overall, it went really well. Marty and I and few other spent 3 days setting up the tents, lighting, hay and other things. It looked really good and I was happy with the turnout. The temperature touched a low number that definitely got people’s blood pumping. Damn Mother Nature couldn’t help me in that department, eh? Ahh well, after awhile, everyone had drank enough to thin their blood more and warm them up. Does that make sense? I guess my jungle juice was a hit, I just poured a bunch of shit in this witch’s couldrin and called it a drink.
It was really nice to see that everyone made it out, despite the cold. Another successful party. I love it. I had such a great time, as many others would agree. Now I’ve spent yesterday and soon to be today to finish taking everything down, tents and all. I miss it already, it was too short. I’ve already started thinking about the next shindiggy. Probably January or February time, it’ll be an 80’s wedding, essentially. Details are still obscure, I will share when time comes.
So this week is the last week of October, Halloween in 48 hours, and the cold months are ahead. I got into my car this morning and could see my own breath. It’s getting cold and with cold comes snow, yes. Is it bad to be addicted to a sport that last but a 1/4 of the year, if lucky? The thing I’m really looking forward to is that first run, getting on the lift, strap my feet down, and gliding through the snow. The love is snowboarding. Hopefully this year is a good season.
Work’s been, good, busy, but good. My lil Facebook action is taking longer than expected, but I’m really pushing to get it done, it’s killin’ me smalls! Again, you’ll all know.
As for this upcoming weekend, maybe goin to State for the MSU/UofM game, tailgating action and such. Not sure really. I’m open for anything fun, so if there’s something fun, dial the digits, I’m there! Sweet deal, back to scanning through thousands of lines of PHP code, trying to fix dumb bugs. Yay, its fun!…….(pause)…..NOT!