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Hearts Burst…

This weekend was amazing, nonetheless.  Another successful event in the past.  Saturday night, I hosted an event, with my buddy Mike, at the Mirage for Valentine’s day, Hearts Burst Into Fire.  Everyone looked amazing and I want to thank everyone that came out and had the night of their lives for Valentine’s.  In the event of it all, as the night ended something happened to my cell phone.  Buttons refused to respond to pressure, which doesn’t allow me to answer calls, read txt messages or anything else that a button would do on my cell phone.  This means I won’t have a cell phone for 4 entire days.

Does it sound pathetic to say I feel this lost without my cell phone?  I mean we’re only talking 4 days, but wow, not having that sociability is something you don’t realize until its nonexistent.  Crazy how such a small device has such a huge impact on your life, how dependent you become on something.  (more…)

Media and Entertainment

If 2009 didn’t kick in fast, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 2012 already.  Just half way through the first month of 2009 and things have been going fast and well.  New projects and old project continue to grow and business opportunities and endeavors have continued to expand.  It’s been a very exciting first 2.5 weeks of 2009 so far and there just still about 50 more weeks of the year to play with. 🙂

So, the entertainment.  On February 14th, 2009 I am hosting a Valentine’s Party at the Mirage Banquet Center with my buddy Mike Roehrig.  For more details on the event: http://www.tangent…2009/.  I’ve also been asked to plan upcoming events in 2009 as well as promote local bars and clubs.  The entertainment of my business has taken a huge leap, extremely fast, but its exciting.


Up North

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Its been a great Christmas so far with family and friends. Food has been amazing as always with my family. Some gifts I got: KitchenAid mixer, Aerogarden, and some books 🙂

This weekend I’m going to spend it with my grandpa and family in Cedar and then snowboarding in Boyne for new years. I’m thankful for the days past and excited for the days to come.

Upon the turn of the new year I can’t wait to get back to my ‘WordPress project’. I think I can expect a late January release.

Happy holidays!

Tis’ Holidays

I love the snow.  There’s something about snow that just makes sense.  I don’t know if its facade of white purity over it’s translucent water counterpart or its ability to fall in impeccable slow motion, the kinda of motion that moves you, that can totally sum up one moment into a lifetime of remembrance.

I don’t think I’d look at the holidays any other way without snow.  It would be impossible otherwise to sum up each year of high’s and low’s without the crystalline delicacies of each snow flake.  For some reason I can look outside and just look back at all I’ve accomplished, failed not completed yet, loved, and lost, are moments capture in time, through each flake.  Each flake, whether a happy or sad moment in my life falls white.  I think this just re-iterates my belief to life without regrets, because through everything I’ve done throughout the year, there was something I believed in at one time. (more…)

It’s a riot out there!

So in an effort to share the many great websites out there I started will feature cool sites that I like along with a cool tip or trick you may or may not know about that website.  The idea is not only showcase some of the coolest websites on the internet, but bring attention to features that many may not be aware off.  I plan to record a video for each post which can be found on my Internet Riot Youtube Channel.

If you’re looking for new websites from time to time, be sure to check out, where I hope you find as much fun on the internet as I do!  That’s all I have for you now, thought I’d give ya an update on what I’m doing…

Social Portability

So in an effort to make blogging easier, I wanted to be able to make updates to my site from anywhere. After some research I found this sweet lil program for my Blackberry called BB Meta Blog. With this I can now make updates here via XML-RPC. I’m happy right now 😉

It amazes me how much we can keep up with each others lives with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. How from virtually anywhere I can update my 140 character Twitter status, which automatically updates my Facebook status with my cell phone.  I can even send pictures from my cellphone to be published immediately to my website.  And now I can update my blog with my cell phone as well.  This is seriously some powerful stuff!

Literally from anywhere, anytime, my social network of friends (and followers) can keep up with me, in the midst of all things busy.  Alas, this is the end to a new beginning of blog updates via my Blackberry.


Last night I had my “Monster Mash” Halloween party and it couldn’t have gone any better! Everyone looked good, everyone danced, everyone eat, and oh boy, did everyone drink! 150+ people and the most amazing Halloween party to date (until next year :)). I truly thank everyone who helped me in any way to make it as successful as it was.

It’s been a crazy past couple months, but I couldn’t be any happier right now, than exactly where I am. And now it starts… the prelude to the holiday season…

The Projects

It’s amazing how I got my hands on so many things right now.  Between X number of web projects to Y number of events and such, it feels good to know that I can keep up with it all.  I guess truly never watching TV has its perks (seriously biggest time waster ever).  My projects are coming along, progression is moving.  I really can’t wait to share it with everyone, but its a bit away from making any public debut.

My biggest concern is remembering to stay focused and not to “drop the ball”.  I catch myself many times starting something but never following through.  No more…  It’s time to do something, and I’m going to do it right now.  Got a couple other projects that I’m working on with other people, even though my main one is my baby.  Its a juggling act, but I love it.

Ahh…its a Woot-off…. 🙂

These Late Nights

Its been nearly 3 weeks of late nights (past 2am). Its amazing how I can sit here for 5 or so hours, after work, and chug away at this new stuff. I’ve been working very diligently on my newest site, which I hope will go live by the end of this week. This site has a lot of customizations, but in the end will be worth it.

On another note, it finally looks like the Halloween party is forming. Its less than 2 weeks away and only about 25 tickets have been sold, but after talking to numerous people today, we are looking to be in good shape.

This upcoming weekend is sell tickets and complete more web work weekend. Looking forward to it, for sure!


October So Fast

This month has flown by so fast. After back to back internet conferences (Wordcamp in Toronto and Underground Training Lab in Detroit) I had a much needed weekend with my friends. This month has already been a pivotal month in my life, as I can see. I’m excited for what’s to come.

Upcoming events: Monster Mash, a Halloween party. This is the ultimate Halloween party, to be my best one yet. Contact me for ticket sales or more information.