Well I finished my second work term at Roseville Chrysler and now I have this whole week off to get ready for school again. It was, again, a very successful work term. I’m looking forward to seeing what the final production of the newsletter I created looks like. Anyways I’m home now, been lazy the past few days, but its great. I’ve put aside what I’ll be bring back up to school. The rest of my family is leaving thursday to Florida for sping break, where PJ and I would be going to but school changes those things. Anyways I’m still going to have a good Easter, I’ll be spending it with Sarah. Saturday I have to move back up into my dorm. It’s kinda stupid that they do it over Easter weekend, but they really don’t care when it is. This school term should be better. Oh also I’ve been getting quite in depth with flash and I’m hoping to redo my website soon. I’ll let you know as soon as its done. My cars been giving me shit again and it’s really starting to bother me, but other than that everything has been going great. Sarah and I are happier than ever, it’s going to be hard, again leaving her, but we’ll manage. Love her so much! Well I better get back to getting ready for school, only 3 more days, and I’m back in the books, ahh! Ayite, peace!