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Random Recordings #20

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for August 2018:

  1. Nature is never in a hurry, but accomplishes everything.
  2. Embrace the joy of missing out.
  3. Things that get measured, get managed.
  4. Sometimes you don’t have to ask questions, sometimes it’s better to just be quiet.
  5. Get better at responding in “we” statements, not “me” statements.
  6. For short answers, follow up with “whats the story behind that?”.
  7. Today we live in an access economy, not an ownership economy.
  8. Check out “learning how to learn” on Coursera.

Random Recordings #19

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for July 2018:

  1. Don’t just respond with a fast, automatic response. Think slowly, a conscious, rational response.
  2. Happiness is mastering oneself. Success is measured in how much you help others.
  3. Few people are logical. Most are prejudiced and biases.  Consider yourself.
  4. Nothing good is accomplished and a lot of damage can be done if you tell a person straight up that he or she is wrong. You only succeed at stripping that person’s self dignity and making yourself a part an unwelcome part of any discussion.
  5. Show respect for other peoples’ opinions. Never say you’re wrong.
  6. By fighting you never get enough, but by yielding you get more than you expected.
  7. Gentleness and friendliness are always stronger than fury and force.
  8. It’s important to emphasize that you’re striving for the same thing and the only difference is one of method, not purpose.

Random Recordings #18

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for June 2018:

  1. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
  2. Small gift: big smile.
  3. Love doesn’t die, people do.
  4. Customers like to feel like they’re buying, not being sold.
  5. You can make more friends by becoming interested in other people, then by trying to get other people interested in you.

Random Recordings #17

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for May 2018:

  1. The purpose of debate is to get at truth, not to prove that someone is right or wrong.
  2. It’s more important to do big things well, then to do small things perfectly.
  3. Some people are born on third base, thinking they hit a triple.
  4. You must stretch yourself if you want to get strong.
  5. Remember that a root cause is not an action, but a reason. Root causes are described in adjectives, not verbs.
  6. Don’t fear adverse consequences from admitting failure.
  7. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  8. Remember that people tend to be more defensive then self critical.
  9. It is your job as a manager to get at truth and excellence, not make people happy.
  10. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Random Recordings #16

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for April 2018:

  1. Radical open minded and radical transparency are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change.
  2. It’s important to not let our biases stand in the way of our objectivity.
  3. Evolving is life’s greatest accomplishment and life’s greatest reward.
  4. What you be will depend on the perspective you had.
  5. Man needs difficulties, they’re necessary for health.
  6. The quality of life will depend on the choices you make at those painful moments.
  7. Successful people are those who can go above themselves to see things objectively and manage those things to shape change.
  8. Don’t let pain stand in the way of progress.
  9. Never rule out a goal because you think it’s unattainable.
  10. View painful problems as potential improvements that are screaming at you.
  11. Weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
  12. Most disagreements aren’t threats as much as they’re opportunities for learning.
  13. Just because something is familiar doesn’t mean it’s simple.
  14. Habit is essential inertia, the strong tendency to keep doing what you’ve already been doing.
  15. Research suggests that if you stick to a behavior for approximately 18 months, you’ll build a strong tendency to stick with it nearly forever.
  16. Decision making is a two-step process, first learning, then deciding.
  17. Bad things that happen in the past no longer matter, except as a lesson for the future.

Random Recordings #15

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for March 2018:

  1. Don’t ask what customers want, figure out what they need.
  2. Meaningful work and meaningful relationships should be primary goals. Making money is an incidental consequence of that.
  3. Security is depressing. No matter how many angles you protect and secure, you can always think of a different angle.  In short, nothing digital is secure, ever.
  4. The most important aspect to security is time.  The more prominent time becomes in your practice the better opportunity something is “secure”.
  5. Blockchain doesn’t mean your data is secure, it just insure data integrity.  Important, but doesn’t protect from data exposure.
  6. Block chain is not data security, it’s data integrity.
  7. Know when not to have an opinion.
  8. To mentor is to not speak at all, or to speak less.
  9. Read “The Lessons in History” by Will and Ariel Durant.

Random Recordings #14

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for February 2018:

  1. Often when thing you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.
  2. Either you’re in or in the way.
  3. Live the question so that one day you will live yourself into the answers.
  4. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.
  5. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing their-self.
  6. You can’t be angry and curious at the same time.
  7. If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.
  8. Those who are easily shocked, should be shocked more often.
  9. If at first the idea is not absurd, then there’s no hope for it.
  10. A real good fail gives a person tremendous freedom.
  11. Trusted third-parties are security holes.
  12. Social media works best when you provide massive value.
  13. When speaking to an audience, let them know they made the right decision to be there.
  14. You’re not obligated to change your mind just because you lost an argument.
  15. Wisdom starts when owning up to ignorance.

Random Recordings #13

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for January 2018:

  1. Since you can fail at things you don’t love, well, I’d rather fail at things I love.
  2. Fans are great, but community is better.
  3. Read “Midnight Fox”
  4. Read “Golden Compass”
  5. A goal without a plan is a wish.
  6. The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.
  7. No one owes you anything.
  8. True fulfillment comes from the love of the process.
  9. Failures are more useful than successes.

Random Recordings #12

This is part of a series I call random recordings. You can learn more here:

The following recordings are for December 2017:

  1. Suffering is a moment of clarity, when you can no longer deny the truth of a situation and are forced into uncomfortable change.
  2. Avoid compulsively making things worse.
  3. Busy is a decision.
  4. Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself.
  5. Stop worrying about what other people think.
  6. Hero worship is not thinking for yourself.
  7. If you can surprise yourself, you can probably surprise everyone else.